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Team Gravity Pirates - Canada

© 2000 Monkey Claw
© 2000 Monkey Claw Freefly Team

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Training / Education

Progressive Flight School - USA
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Freedom of Flight School - USA
Cloud Dancer - USA
Dale Stuart's WindDance - USA
Freefly Trainings Center - USA
Airpushers Freefly School - Holland
Babylon Freefly School - Spain
XLR8-Freefly School - Switzerland
Czech FreeFly School
Freefly Kiwi School - New Zealand
Generation Freefly School - USA
1st School of Modern Skyflying
WordFreefly - Italia

© 2000 Marc Bachmann
© 2000 Marc Bachmann

Teams Europe

La Masa - Germany
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No Limit Extremesport - Germany
CrazyBoyz - Germany
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Veiculo Longo - Holland
Dragonfly Freefly - Italy
SkyArtists - Austria
Euphoria Feefly Team - UK
Human Flight - Germany
Wildcats Freeflying - Holland
Skynamics Team - Germany
Team Pizza Connection - Italy
United Freeflyers Of Utti - Finland
FreeJiveTeam - UK

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